Wednesday, 28 May 2014

Kandungan E Kod (E Code)

Kod E adalah kod yang kadangkala terdapat pada label makanan di Kesatuan Eropah (GB , Perancis , Jerman , Sepanyol , Itali , Portugal dan lain-lain) . Kod ini menunjukkan beberapa jenis bahan tambahan makanan . Kod E menunjukkan bahawa ia adalah bahan tambahan makanan yang telah diluluskan Kesatuan Eropah .

Kesatuan Eropah telah menggunakan Kod E ini . Negara-negara lain mempunyai undang-undang perlabelan makanan yang berbeza . Walaupun di dalam Kesatuan Eropah , kadang-kadang mereka menggunakan kod , kadang-kadang mereka masih menulis perkataan .

HALAL : Halal adalah satu istilah Al-Quran yang dimaksudkan dibenarkan atau yang sah . Makanan dan minuman yang halal dibenarkan untuk dimakan oleh Allah S.W.T . Makanan yang halal adalah wajib diatas setiap umat Islam .

HARAM : Haram adalah istilah Al-Quran yang bermaksud dilarang atau menyalahi undang-undang . Makanan dan minuman yang haram adalah dilarang secara mutlak oleh Allah S.W.T . Makanan haram adalah dilarang bagi setiap umat Islam .

MUSHBOOH : Mushbooh adalah istilah Arab yang bermaksud disyaki dan meliputi kawasan kelabu di antara Halal dan Haram .Jika seseorang itu tidak mengetahui status Halal atau kemudaratan daripada makanan atau minuman tertentu , seperti makanan atau minuman adalah ragu . Satu amalan umat Islam menghalang dirinya dari memakan perkara ragu .

Erti kata lain anda boleh mencari adalah makruh yang bermaksud 'agama digalakkan' atau 'tidak suka' dan Dhabiha bermaksud 'disembelih mengikut kaedah Islam' .

E Codes:
E100 Curcumin, turmeric [Colouring] halal
E101 Riboflavin (Vitamin B2), formerly called lactoflavin (Vitamin G) [Colouring] [likely to be GM] mushbooh
E101a Riboflavin-5′-Phosphate [Colouring] [likely to be GM] mushbooh
E102 Tartrazine [Colouring] [possible allergic reaction] halal
E103 Chrysoine Resorcinol [Colouring] ?
E104 Quinoline Yellow [Colouring] [possible allergic reaction] halal
E105 Fast Yellow AB [Colouring] ?
E106 Riboflavin-5-Sodium Phosphate [Colouring] mushbooh
E107 Yellow 2G [Colouring] ?
E110 Sunset Yellow FCF, Orange Yellow S [Colouring] halal
E111 Orange GGN [Colouring] ?
E120 Cochineal, Carminic acid, Carmines [Colouring] [animal origin] haram
E121 Orcein, Orchil [Colouring] ?
E122 Carmoisine, Azorubine [Colouring] halal
E123 Amaranth [Colouring] halal
E124 Ponceau 4R, Cochineal Red A, Brilliant Scarlet 4R [Colouring] halal
E125 Scarlet GN [Colouring] ?
E126 Ponceau 6R [Colouring] ?
E127 Erythrosine [Colouring] halal
E128 Red 2G [Colouring] halal
E129 Allura Red AC [Colouring] halal
E130 Indanthrene blue RS [Colouring] ?
E131 Patent Blue V [Colouring] halal
E132 Indigo carmine, Indigotine [Colouring] halal
E133 Brilliant Blue FCF [Colouring] halal
E140 Chlorophylls and Chlorophyllins: (i) Chlorophylls (ii) Chlorophyllins [Colouring] haram
E141 Copper complexes of chlorophylls and chlorophyllins (i) Copper complexes of chlorophylls (ii) Copper complexes of chlorophyllins [Colouring] haram
E142 Greens S [Colouring] [possible allergic reaction] halal
E150a Plain Caramel [Colouring] [likely to be GM] halal
E150b Caustic sulphite caramel [Colouring] [likely to be GM] halal
E150c Ammonia caramel [Colouring] [likely to be GM] halal
E150d Sulphite ammonia caramel [Colouring] [likely to be GM] halal
E151 Black PN, Brilliant Black BN [Colouring] halal
E152 Black 7984 [Colouring] ?
E153 Carbon black, Vegetable carbon [Colouring] [likely to be GM] mushbooh
E154 Brown FK, Kipper Brown [Colouring] halal
E155 Brown HT, Chocolate brown HT [Colouring] halal
E160a Alpha-carotene, Beta-carotene, Gamma-carotene [Colouring] mushbooh
E160b Annatto, bixin, norbixin [Colouring] halal
E160c Capsanthin, capsorubin, Paprika extract [Colouring] halal
E160d Lycopene [Colouring] [possibly GM] halal
E160e Beta-apo-8′-carotenal (C 30) [Colouring] halal
E160f Ethyl ester of beta-apo-8′-carotenic acid (C 30) [Colouring] halal
E161a Flavoxanthin [Colouring] mushbooh
E161b Lutein [Colouring] haram
E161c Cryptoaxanthin [Colouring] [likely to be GM] halal
E161d Rubixanthin [Colouring] halal
E161e Violaxanthin [Colouring] halal
E161f Rhodoxanthin [Colouring] halal
E161g Canthaxanthin [Colouring] haram
E162 Beetroot Red, Betanin [Colouring] halal
E163 Anthocyanins [Colouring] halal
E170 Calcium carbonate [Colouring] halal
E171 Titanium dioxide [Colouring] halal
E172 Iron oxides and hydroxides [Colouring] halal
E173 Aluminium [Colouring] halal
E174 Silver [Colouring] halal
E175 Gold [Colouring] halal
E180 Pigment Rubine, Lithol Rubine BK [Colouring] halal
E181 Tannin ?
E200 Sorbic acid [Preservative] halal
E201 Sodium sorbate [Preservative] halal
E202 Potassium sorbate [Preservative] halal
E203 Calcium sorbate [Preservative] halal
E210 Benzoic acid [Preservative] halal
E211 Sodium benzoate [Preservative] halal
E212 Potassium benzoate [Preservative] halal
E213 Calcium benzoate [Preservative] halal
E214 Ethyl para-hydroxybenzoate [Preservative] halal
E215 Sodium ethyl para-hydroxybenzoate [Preservative] halal
E216 Propyl para-hydroxybenzoate [Preservative] halal
E217 Sodium propyl para-hydroxybenzoate [Preservative] halal
E218 Methyl para-hydroxybenzoate [Preservative] halal
E219 Sodium methyl para-hydroxybenzoate [Preservative] halal
E220 Sulphur dioxide [Preservative] halal
E221 Sodium sulphite [Preservative] halal
E222 Sodium hydrogen sulphite [Preservative] halal
E223 Sodium metabisulphite [Preservative] halal
E224 Potassium metabisulphite [Preservative] halal
E225 Sodium sulphite [Preservative] ?
E226 Calcium sulphite [Preservative] halal
E227 Calcium hydrogen sulphite [Preservative] [Firming Agent] halal
E228 Potassium hydrogen sulphite [Preservative] ?
E230 Biphenyl, diphenyl [Preservative] halal
E231 Orthophenyl phenol [Preservative] halal
E232 Sodium orthophenyl phenol [Preservative] halal
E233 Thiabendazole [Preservative] halal
E234 Nisin [Preservative] ?
E235 Natamycin, Pimaracin [Preservative] halal
E236 Formic acid [Preservative] halal
E237 Sodium formiate [Preservative] halal
E238 Calcium formiate [Preservative] halal
E239 Hexamethylene tetramine, Hexamine [Preservative] halal
E240 Formaldehyde [Preservative] ?
E242 Dimethyl dicarbonate [Preservative] halal
E249 Potassium nitrite [Preservative] halal
E250 Sodium nitrite [Preservative] halal
E251 Sodium nitrate, saltpetre [Preservative] halal
E252 Potassium nitrate (Saltpetre) [Preservative] haram
E260 Acetic acid [Preservative] [Acidity regulator] halal
E261 Potassium acetate [Preservative] [Acidity regulator] halal
E262 Sodium acetates (i) Sodium acetate (ii) Sodium hydrogen acetate (sodium diacetate) [Preservative] [Acidity regulator] halal
E263 Calcium acetate [Preservative] [Acidity regulator] halal
E264 Ammonium acetate [Preservative] ?
E270 Lactic acid [Preservative] [Acid] [Antioxidant] halal
E280 Propionic acid [Preservative] halal
E281 Sodium propionate [Preservative] halal
E282 Calcium propionate [Preservative] halal
E283 Potassium propionate [Preservative] halal
E284 Boric acid [Preservative] halal
E285 Sodium tetraborate (borax) [Preservative] halal
E290 Carbon dioxide [Acidity regulator] halal
E296 Malic acid [Acid] [Acidity regulator] halal
E297 Fumaric acid [Acidity regulator] halal
E300 Ascorbic acid (Vitamin C) [Antioxidant] halal
E301 Sodium ascorbate [Antioxidant] halal
E302 Calcium ascorbate [Antioxidant] halal
E303 Potassium ascorbate [Antioxidant] ?
E304 Fatty acid esters of ascorbic acid (i) Ascorbyl palmitate (ii) Ascorbyl stearate [Antioxidant] mushbooh
E306 Tocopherol-rich extract (natural) [Antioxidant] halal
E307 Alpha-tocopherol (synthetic) [Antioxidant] halal
E308 Gamma-tocopherol (synthetic) [Antioxidant] halal
E309 Delta-tocopherol (synthetic) [Antioxidant] halal
E310 Propyl gallate [Antioxidant] halal
E311 Octyl gallate [Antioxidant] halal
E312 Dodecyl gallate [Antioxidant] halal
E315 Erythorbic acid [Antioxidant] halal
E316 Sodium erythorbate [Antioxidant] halal
E317 Erythorbin acid [Antioxidant] ?
E318 Sodium erythorbin [Antioxidant] ?
E319 Butylhydroxinon [Antioxidant] ?
E320 Butylated hydroxyanisole (BHA) [Antioxidant] halal
E321 Butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT) [Antioxidant] halal
E322 Lecithin [Emulsifier] mushbooh; halal if it is from soy fat or egg yolk; haram if it is from animal fat
E325 Sodium lactate [Antioxidant] halal
E326 Potassium lactate [Antioxidant] [Acidity regulator] halal
E327 Calcium lactate [Antioxidant] [possibly of animal origin] halal
E329 Magnesium lactate [Antioxidant] ?
E330 Citric acid [Antioxidant] halal
E331 Sodium citrates (i) Monosodium citrate (ii) Disodium citrate (iii) Trisodium citrate [Antioxidant] halal
E332 Potassium citrates (i) Monopotassium citrate (ii) Tripotassium citrate [Antioxidant] halal
E333 Calcium citrates (i) Monocalcium citrate (ii) Dicalcium citrate (iii) Tricalcium citrate [Acidity regulator] [Firming Agent] halal
E334 Tartaric acid (L(+)-) [Acid] [Antioxidant] halal
E335 Sodium tartrates (i) Monosodium tartrate (ii) Disodium tartrate [Antioxidant] halal
E336 Potassium tartrates (i) Monopotassium tartrate (cream of tartar) (ii) Dipotassium tartrate [Antioxidant] halal
E337 Sodium potassium tartrate [Antioxidant] halal
E338 Phosphoric acid [Antioxidant] halal
E339 Sodium phosphates (i) Monosodium phosphate (ii) Disodium phosphate (iii) Trisodium phosphate [Antioxidant] mushbooh
E340 Potassium phosphates (i) Monopotassium phosphate (ii) Dipotassium phosphate (iii) Tripotassium phosphate [Antioxidant] mushbooh
E341 Calcium phosphates (i) Monocalcium phosphate (ii) Dicalcium phosphate (iii) Tricalcium phosphate [Anti-caking agent] [Firming Agent] mushbooh
E343 Magnesium phosphates (i) monomagnesium phosphate (ii) Dimagnesium phosphate [Anti-caking agent] ?
E350 Sodium malates (i) Sodium malate (ii) Sodium hydrogen malate [Acidity regulator] halal
E351 Potassium malate [Acidity regulator] halal
E352 Calcium malates (i) Calcium malate (ii) Calcium hydrogen malate [Acidity regulator] halal
E353 Metatartaric acid [Emulsifier] halal
E354 Calcium tartrate [Emulsifier] ?
E355 Adipic acid [Acidity regulator] halal
E356 Sodium adipate [Acidity regulator] halal
E357 Potassium adipate [Acidity regulator] halal
E363 Succinic acid [Acidity regulator] halal
E365 Sodium fumarate [Acidity regulator] ?
E366 Potassium fumarate [Acidity regulator] ?
E367 Calcium fumarate[Acidity regulator] ?
E370 I,4-Heptonolactone [Acidity regulator] ?
E375 Nicotinic acid, Niacin, Nicotinamide [Colour Retention Agent] ?
E380 Triammonium citrate [Acidity regulator] halal
E381 Ammoniumferrocitrate [Acidity regulator] ?
E385 Calcium disodium ethylene diamine tetra-acetate (Calcium disodium EDTA) halal
E400 Alginic acid [Thickener] [Stabiliser] [Gelling agent] [Emulsifier] halal
E401 Sodium alginate [Thickener] [Stabiliser] [Gelling agent] [Emulsifier] halal
E402 Potassium alginate [Thickener] [Stabiliser] [Gelling agent] [Emulsifier] halal
E403 Ammonium alginate [Thickener] [Stabiliser] [Emulsifier] halal
E404 Calcium alginate [Thickener] [Stabiliser] [Gelling agent] [Emulsifier] halal
E405 Propane-1,2-diol alginate (Propylene glycol alginate) [Thickener] [Stabiliser] [Emulsifier] halal
E406 Agar [Thickener] [Gelling agent] [Stabiliser] halal
E407 Carrageenan [Thickener] [Stabiliser] [Gelling agent] [Emulsifier] [possible allergic reaction] halal
E407a Processed eucheuma seaweed [Thickener] [Stabiliser] [Gelling agent] [Emulsifier] ?
E410 Locust bean gum (Carob gum) [Thickener] [Stabiliser] [Gelling agent] [Emulsifier] halal
E412 Guar gum [Thickener] [Stabiliser] halal
E413 Tragacanth [Thickener] [Stabiliser] [Emulsifier] halal
E414 Acacia gum (gum arabic) [Thickener] [Stabiliser] [Emulsifier] halal
E415 Xanthan gum [Thickener] [Stabiliser] halal
E416 Karaya gum [Thickener] [Stabiliser] [Emulsifier] halal
E417 Tara gum [Thickener] [Stabiliser] halal
E418 Gellan gum [Thickener] [Stabiliser] [Emulsifier] halal
E420 Sorbitol (i) Sorbitol (ii) Sorbitol syrup [Emulsifier] [Sweetener] [Humectant] halal
E421 Mannitol [Anti-caking agent] [Sweetener] halal
E422 Glycerol [Emulsifier] [Sweetener] [possibly of animal origin] mushbooh
E425 Konjac (i) Konjac gum (ii) Konjac glucomannane [Emulsifier] ?
E430 Polyoxyethylene (8) stearate [Emulsifier] [Stabiliser] [possible allergic reaction] haram
E431 Polyoxyethylene (40) stearate [Emulsifier] haram
E432 Polyoxyethylene (20) sorbitan monolaurate (polysorbate 20) [Emulsifier] mushbooh
E433 Polyoxyethylene (20) sorbitan monooleate (polysorbate 80) [Emulsifier] mushbooh
E434 Polyoxyethylene (20) sorbitan monopalmitate (polysorbate 40) [Emulsifier] mushbooh
E435 Polyoxyethylene (20) sorbitan monostearate (polysorbate 60) [Emulsifier] mushbooh
E436 Polyoxyethylene (20) sorbitan tristearate (polysorbate 65) [Emulsifier] [possibly of animal origin] mushbooh
E440 Pectins (i) pectin (ii) amidated pectin [Emulsifier] halal
E441 Gelatine [Emulsifier] [Gelling agent] [animal origin] haram
E442 Ammonium phosphatides [Emulsifier] halal
E444 Sucrose acetate isobutyrate [Emulsifier] halal
E445 Glycerol esters of wood rosins [Emulsifier] mushbooh
E450 Diphosphates (i) Disodium diphosphate (ii) Trisodium diphosphate(iii) Tetrasodium diphosphate (iv) Dipotassium diphosphate (v) Tetrapotassium diphosphate (vi) Dicalcium diphosphate (vii) Calcium dihydrogen diphosphate [Emulsifier] halal
E451 Triphosphates (i) Pentasodium triphosphate (ii) Pentapotassium triphosphate [Emulsifier] mushbooh
E452 Polyphosphates (i) Sodium polyphosphates (ii) Potassium polyphosphates (iii) Sodium calcium polyphosphate (iv) Calcium polyphophates [Emulsifier] mushbooh
E459 Beta-cyclodextrine [Emulsifier] ?
E460 Cellulose (i) Microcrystalline cellulose (ii) Powdered cellulose [Emulsifier] halal
E461 Methyl cellulose [Emulsifier] halal
E462 Ethyl cellulose [Emulsifier] ?
E463 Hydroxy propyl cellulose [Emulsifier] halal
E464 Hydroxy propyl methyl cellulose [Emulsifier] halal
E465 Ethyl methyl cellulose [Emulsifier] halal
E466 Carboxy methyl cellulose, Sodium carboxy methyl cellulose [Emulsifier] halal
E468 Crosslinked sodium carboxymethyl cellulose [Emulsifier] ?
E469 Enzymically hydrolysed carboxymethylcellulose [Emulsifier] ?
E470a Sodium, potassium and calcium salts of fatty acids [Emulsifier] [Anti-caking agent] mushbooh
E470b Magnesium salts of fatty acids [Emulsifier] [Anti-caking agent] mushbooh
E471 Mono- and diglycerides of fatty acids (glyceryl monostearate, glyceryl distearate) [Emulsifier] mushbooh
E472a Acetic acid esters of mono- and diglycerides of fatty acids [Emulsifier] mushbooh
E472b Lactic acid esters of mono- and diglycerides of fatty acids [Emulsifier] mushbooh
E472c Citric acid esters of mono- and diglycerides of fatty acids [Emulsifier] mushbooh
E472d Tartaric acid esters of mono- and diglycerides of fatty acids [Emulsifier] mushbooh
E472e Mono- and diacetyl tartaric acid esters of mono- and diglycerides of fatty acids [Emulsifier] mushbooh
E472f Mixed acetic and tartaric acid esters of mono- and diglycerides of fatty acids [Emulsifier] mushbooh
E473 Sucrose esters of fatty acids [Emulsifier] mushbooh
E474 Sucroglycerides [Emulsifier] mushbooh
E475 Polyglycerol esters of fatty acids [Emulsifier] mushbooh
E476 Polyglycerol polyricinoleate [Emulsifier] mushbooh
E477 Propane-1, 2-diol esters of fatty acids, propylene glycol esters of fatty acids [Emulsifier] mushbooh
E478 Lactylated fatty acid esters of glycerol and propane-1 [Emulsifier] mushbooh
E479b Thermally oxidized soya bean oil interacted with mono- and diglycerides of fatty acids [Emulsifier] halal
E481 Sodium stearoyl-2-lactylate [Emulsifier] halal
E482 Calcium stearoyl-2-lactylate [Emulsifier] halal
E483 Stearyl tartrate [Emulsifier] halal
E491 Sorbitan monostearate [Emulsifier] mushbooh
E492 Sorbitan tristearate [Emulsifier] mushbooh
E493 Sorbitan monolaurate [Emulsifier] halal
E494 Sorbitan monooleate [Emulsifier] mushbooh
E495 Sorbitan monopalmitate [Emulsifier] mushbooh
E500 Sodium carbonates (i) Sodium carbonate (ii) Sodium hydrogen carbonate (Bicarbonate of soda) (iii) Sodium sesquicarbonate [Acidity regulator] [Raising Agent] halal
E501 Potassium carbonates (i) Potassium carbonate (ii) Potassium hydrogen carbonate [Acidity regulator] halal
E503 Ammonium carbonates (i) Ammonium carbonate (ii) Ammonium hydrogen carbonate [Acidity regulator] halal
E504 Magnesium carbonates (i) Magnesium carbonate (ii) Magnesium hydroxide carbonate (syn. Magnesium hydrogen carbonate) [Acidity regulator] [Anti-caking agent] halal
E507 Hydrochloric acid [Acid] halal
E508 Potassium chloride [Gelling agent] [Seasoning] halal
E509 Calcium chloride [Sequestrant] [Firming Agent] halal
E510 Ammonium chloride, ammonia solution [Acidity regulator] [Improving agent] halal
E511 Magnesium chloride [Firming Agent] halal
E512 Stannous chloride [Antioxidant] halal
E513 Sulphuric acid [Acid] halal
E514 Sodium sulphates (i) Sodium sulphate (ii) Sodium hydrogen sulphate [Acidity regulator] halal
E515 Potassium sulphates (i) Potassium sulphate (ii) Potassium hydrogen sulphate [Seasoning] halal
E516 Calcium sulphate [Sequestrant] [Improving agent] [Firming Agent] halal
E517 Ammonium sulphate [Improving agent] halal
E518 Magnesium sulphate, Epsom salts [Acidity regulator] [Firming Agent] halal
E519 Copper sulphate [Preservative] halal
E520 Aluminium sulphate [Firming Agent] halal
E521 Aluminium sodium sulphate [Firming Agent] halal
E522 Aluminium potassium sulphate [Acidity regulator] halal
E523 Aluminium ammonium sulphate [Acidity regulator] halal
E524 Sodium hydroxide [Acidity regulator] halal
E525 Potassium hydroxide [Acidity regulator] halal
E526 Calcium hydroxide [Acidity regulator] [Firming Agent] halal
E527 Ammonium hydroxide [Acidity regulator] halal
E528 Magnesium hydroxide [Acidity regulator] halal
E529 Calcium oxide [Acidity regulator] [Improving agent] halal
E530 Magnesium oxide [Acidity regulator] [Anti-caking agent] halal
E535 Sodium ferrocyanide [Acidity regulator] [Anti-caking agent] halal
E536 Potassium ferrocyanide [Anti-caking agent] halal
E538 Calcium ferrocyanide [Anti-caking agent] halal
E540 Dicalcium diphosphate [Acidity regulator] [Emulsifier] halal
E541 Sodium aluminium phosphate, acidic [Emulsifier] halal
E542 Bone phosphate [Anti-caking agent] [animal origin] haram
E543 Calcium sodium polyphosphate halal
E544 Calcium polyphosphate [Emulsifier] halal
E545 Aluminium polyphosphate [Emulsifier] ?
E550 Sodium silicate [Anti-caking agent] halal
E551 Silicon dioxide (Silica) [Emulsifier] [Anti-caking agent] halal
E552 Calcium silicate [Anti-caking agent] halal
E553a (i) Magnesium silicate (ii) Magnesium trisilicate [Anti-caking agent] halal
E553b Talc [Anti-caking agent] halal
E554 Sodium aluminium silicate [Anti-caking agent] halal
E555 Potassium aluminium silicate [Anti-caking agent] halal
E556 Calcium aluminium silicate [Anti-caking agent] halal
E558 Bentonite [Anti-caking agent] halal
E559 Aluminium silicate (Kaolin) [Anti-caking agent] halal
E570 Stearic acid (Fatty acid) [Anti-caking agent] mushbooh
E572 Magnesium stearate, calcium stearate [Emulsifier] [Anti-caking agent] mushbooh
E574 Gluconic acid [Acidity regulator] halal
E575 Glucono-delta-lactone [Acidity regulator] [Sequestrant] halal
E576 Sodium gluconate [Sequestrant] halal
E577 Potassium gluconate [Sequestrant] halal
E578 Calcium gluconate [Firming Agent] halal
E579 Ferrous gluconate [Colouring] halal
E585 Ferrous lactate [Colouring] halal
E620 Glutamic acid [Flavour enhancer] mushbooh
E621 Monosodium glutamate [Flavour enhancer] mushbooh
E622 Monopotassium glutamate [Flavour enhancer] mushbooh
E623 Calcium diglutamate [Flavour enhancer] mushbooh
E624 Monoammonium glutamate [Flavour enhancer] mushbooh
E625 Magnesium diglutamate [Flavour enhancer] mushbooh
E626 Guanylic acid [Flavour enhancer] halal
E627 Disodium guanylate, sodium guanylate [Flavour enhancer] halal
E628 Dipotassium guanylate [Flavour enhancer] halal
E629 Calcium guanylate [Flavour enhancer] halal
E630 Inosinic acid [Flavour enhancer] halal
E631 Disodium inosinate [Flavour enhancer] [possibly of animal origin] mushbooh
E632 Dipotassium inosinate [Flavour enhancer] halal
E633 Calcium inosinate [Flavour enhancer] halal
E634 Calcium 5′-ribonucleotides [Flavour enhancer] haram
E635 Disodium 5′-ribonucleotides [Flavour enhancer] [possibly of animal origin] haram
E636 Maltol [Flavour enhancer] halal
E637 Ethyl maltol [Flavour enhancer] halal
E640 Glycine and its sodium salt [Flavour enhancer] [possibly of animal origin] mushbooh
E900 Dimethyl polysiloxane [Anti-foaming agent] [Anti-caking agent] halal
E901 Beeswax, white and yellow [Glazing agent] [animal origin] halal
E902 Candelilla wax [Glazing agent] halal
E903 Carnauba wax [Glazing agent] [possible allergic reaction] halal
E904 Shellac [Glazing agent] [animal origin] halal
E905 Microcrystalline wax [Glazing agent] ?
E907 Crystalline wax [Glazing agent] halal
E910 L-cysteine [animal origin] halal
E912 Montanic acid esters halal
E913 Lanolin, sheep wool grease [Glazing agent] halal
E914 Oxidized polyethylene wax [Glazing agent] halal
E915 Esters of Colophane [Glazing agent] halal
E920 L-cysteine hydrochloride [Improving agent] [animal origin] haram
E921 L-cysteine hydrochloride monohydrate [Improving agent] [animal origin] haram
E924 Potassium bromate [Improving agent] ?
E925 Chlorine [Preservative] [Bleach] halal
E926 Chlorine dioxide [Preservative] [Bleach] halal
E927b Carbamide [Improving agent] halal
E928 Benzole peroxide [Improving agent] ?
E938 Argon [Packaging gas] halal
E939 Helium [Packaging gas] halal
E941 Nitrogen [Packaging gas] halal
E942 Nitrous oxide [Propellant] halal
E948 Oxygen [Packaging gas] halal
E950 Acesulfame K [Sweetener] halal
E951 Aspartame [Sweetener] halal
E952 Cyclamic acid and its Na and Ca salts [Sweetener] halal
E953 Isomalt [Sweetener] halal
E954 Saccharin and its Na, K and Ca salts [Sweetener] halal
E957 Thaumatin [Sweetener] [Flavour enhancer] halal
E959 Neohesperidine DC [Sweetener] halal
E965 Maltitol (i) Maltitol (ii) Maltitol syrup [Sweetener] [Stabiliser] [Humectant] halal
E966 Lactitol [Sweetener] [animal origin] halal
E967 Xylitol [Sweetener] halal
E999 Quillaia extract [Foaming Agent] halal
E1103 Invertase [Stabiliser] halal
E1105 Lysozyme [Preservative] haram
E1200 Polydextrose [Stabiliser] [Thickening agent] [Humectant] [Carrier] halal
E1201 Polyvinylpyrrolidone [Stabiliser] halal
E1202 Polyvinylpolypyrrolidone [Carrier] [Stabiliser] halal
E1400 Dextrin [Stabiliser] [Thickening agent] halal
E1401 Modified starch [Stabiliser] [Thickening agent] ?
E1402 Alkaline modified starch [Stabiliser] [Thickening agent] halal
E1403 Bleached starch [Stabiliser] [Thickening agent] ?
E1404 Oxidized starch [Emulsifier] [Thickening agent] halal
E1410 Monostarch phosphate [Stabiliser] [Thickening agent] halal
E1412 Distarch phosphate [Stabiliser] [Thickening agent] halal
E1413 Phosphated distarch phosphate [Stabiliser] [Thickening agent] halal
E1414 Acetylated distarch phosphate [Emulsifier] [Thickening agent] halal
E1420 Acetylated starch, mono starch acetate [Stabiliser] [Thickening agent] halal
E1421 Acetylated starch, mono starch acetate [Stabiliser] [Thickening agent] ?
E1422 Acetylated distarch adipate [Stabiliser] [Thickening agent] halal
E1430 Distarch glycerine [Stabiliser] [Thickening agent] ?
E1440 Hydroxy propyl starch [Emulsifier] [Thickening agent] halal
E1441 Hydroxy propyl distarch glycerine [Stabiliser] [Thickening agent]
E1442 Hydroxy propyl distarch phosphate [Stabiliser] [Thickening agent] halal
E1450 Starch sodium octenyl succinate [Emulsifier] [Stabiliser] [Thickening agent] halal
E1451 Acetylated oxidised starch [Emulsifier] [Thickening agent] ?
E1505 Triethyl citrate [Foam Stabiliser] halal
E1510 Ethanon ?
E1518 Glyceryl triacetate (triacetin) [Humectant] mushbooh
E1520 Propylene glycol [Humectant] Propylene glycol?

Ini senarai ramuan untuk maklumat sahaja dan tidak lengkap . Penghakiman dan Sah maklumat ini dibiarkan kepada pengguna . Saya tidak bertanggungjawab keatas apa-apa tindakan berdasarkan maklumat ini .


Thursday, 22 May 2014

Easy Tips To Get A Flat Stomach


#1  Carry water everywhere to start losing stomach fat .
#2  Cut out the fast food - it's an absolute must for having a flat tummy .
#3  Cut out soda .
#4  Color your plate with vegetables .
#5  Don't starve yourself ! It won't help you lose stomach fat faster .
#6  Don't deprive yourself , either !
#7  Drink a glass of water before you eat .
#8  Eat 5 small meals a day .
#9  Give yourself 20 minutes to feel full after the meal .
#10 Knowing your portions .
#11 Read the labels (even on diet food) .
#12 Substitute the sweets .
#13 Never skip breakfast .
#14 Cut down or eliminate alcohol consumption .
#15 Reduce your salt intake .
#16 Make your own meals .


#1  Maintain good posture to start losing stomach fat .
#2  Doing your weight bearing exercises - one of the best way to lose stomach fat fast .
#3  Do your non-weight bearing exercises , too !
#4  Get your cardio going for losing stomach fat faster !
#5  Don't try to isolate .
#6  Strengthen your core .
#7  One word: swim !
#8  The perfect push-up ?
#9  Try reverse sit-ups .
#10 Turn off the TV , computer , and smart phones . Active time !


#1  Sleep .
#2  Relax .
#3  Move more .
#4  Eat 3 hours before going to bed .
#5  Forget your TV , PC and mobile .
#6  Go grocery shopping on a full stomach .
#7  Eat sitting down from a plate .
#8  Relax in a sauna or hot tub every day .
#9  Drink tea every day .
#10 Reward yourself .


#1  Be positive .
#2  Set achieveable goals .
#3  Never forget the reasons why you want to lose weight .
#4  Focus on a feeling .
#5  Get competitive .
#6  Get a partner to do workouts and diet together .
#7  List your reasons for losing .
#8  Confront your fears .
#9  An instagram-a-day .
#10 Cultivate compassion .

Thursday, 8 May 2014

Kad Diskaun Siswa 1 Malaysia

KADS1M diwujudkan oleh Kementerian Perdagangan Dalam Negeri , Koperasi dan Kepenggunaan (KPDNKK) dengan objektif untuk membantu meringankan perbelanjaan siswa di Institusi Pengajian Tinggi (IPT) awam dan swasta seluruh negara.

KADS1M diberi secara percuma kepada pelajar-pelajar IPT yang menepati kriteria-kriteria berikut:

  • Mengikuti pengajian jangka panjang yang tempoh masanya 1 tahun dan ke atas (sijil, diploma, ijazah dan ke atas);
  • Warganegara Malaysia.

Diskaun yang ditawarkan oleh syarikat-syarikat yang mengambil bahagian adalah bagi pembelian barangan dan perkhidmatan terpilih dan tertakluk kepada kadar , terma serta syarat yang ditetapkan oleh syarikat masing-masing.

SENARAI KEDAI-KEDAI yang menerima KADS1M boleh klik link di bawah:

Wednesday, 2 April 2014

Luca Pacioli - Bapa Perakaunan


Rekod perakaunan yang paling awal didapati di Babylonia pada tahun 3500 SM, catatan tersebut dibuat pada kepingan tanah liat.
Pada tahun 400 SM, rekod perakaunan telah dibuat dengan papyrus (kertas) dan calamus (pen).
Kemudian sistem angka Hindu-Arab digunakan dalam rekod perakaunan pada tahun 850 SM.
Sistem catatan bergu bermula di Itali padaabad ke-14 untuk memenuhi keadaan ekonomi yang semakin berkembang.
Sistem catatan bergu telah dicipta oleh Luca Pacioli, seorang ahli matematik dan rahib Francisca yang berbangsa Itali. 

Luca Pacioli dikenali sebagai bapa perakaunan kerana terbitan buku matematiknya berjudul Summa de Arithmetica, Geometria dan Proportioni et Proportionalita.
sebahagian daripada buku tersebut mengandungi huraian sistem catatan bergu yang digunakan dalam rekod perakaunan sehingga masa sekarang.
Pada abad ke-18, perakaunan kos telah diperkenalkan bagi memenuhi proses pengeluaran firma yang berkembang pesat.
Pada abad ke-19 dan ke-20, bidang perakaunan telah mencapai taraf profesional. Badan perakaunan ditubuhkan  untuk mencapai taraf minimum kelayakan profesional perakaunan.
Jawatankuasa Piawaian Perakaunan Antarabangsa atau International Accounting Standards Committee (IASC) telah ditubuhkan pada tahun 1973 untuk menggalakkan penggunaan piawaian asas dalam perakaunan.
Pada masa sekarang, perakaunan sosial telah diambil kira memandangkan perniagaan telah memberi kesan terhadap masyarakat.
Di negara kita, Lembaga Piawaian Perakaunan Malaysia atau Malaysian Accounting Standard Board (MASB) telah ditubuhkan untuk menerbitkan piawaian perakaunan dan menentukan skop dan penggunaan piawaian perakaunan.

Sunday, 30 March 2014

SUNAN – Nanggroe Sang Kembara

Dek kerana fitnah dan dihukum bapa sendiri, Saifudin menjadi perantau di bumi Serambi Mekah - Aceh. Banyak ranjau yang terpaksa dilalui sebelum bermukim di situ. Saifudin diangkat menjadi anak asuhan kepada Wali Sufi. Memilih mendalami agama Islam tetapi pada masa yang sama berminat dalam seni persilatan.

Ajaran Islam banyak membentuk caranya bertingkah laku. Sentiasa mengiringi Wali Sufi ke mana-mana dalam menyelesaikan urusan. Hatta, sering menjadi mangsa buli Djailuh dan Sadik di gelanggang persilatan.
Kemunculan Ratna Sang Ratu Sulaman menyusup ke bumi Aceh hanya satu tujuan - membunuh Wali Sufi untuk menghancurkan keampuhan Aceh daripada serangan Kerajaan Pulau Utara. Namun, Ratna gagal melakukannya. Justeru, anak asuhan Maharani itu mensasarkan Saifudin dalam perjuangannya. Membunuh Saifudin dipercayai bakal membunuh semangat juang Wali Sufi.

Engku Aminah, anak kerabat Istana Pagar Ruyong yang rupawan mula jatuh kasih pada Saifudin biarpun dalam tempoh yang singkat. Malangnya, Ratna menjadi batu penghalang. Ada sekelumit rasa cemburu membajai jiwanya.

RAMLEE AWANG MURSHID menerapkan unsur cinta dan aksi dalam karyanya kali ini. Merungkaikan perjalanan hidup seorang anak remaja bernama Saifudin dalam menempuh onak dan cabaran.

Tuesday, 19 November 2013

Sir Alex Ferguson : Manager of Manchester United (1986-2013)

Personal information
Full nameAlexander Chapman Ferguson[1]
Date of birth31 December 1941 (age 71)
Place of birthGlasgowScotland
Playing positionForward
Senior career*
1957–1960Queen's Park31(15)
1960–1964St. Johnstone37(19)
1964–1967Dunfermline Athletic89(66)
1973–1974Ayr United24(9)
National team
1967Scottish Football League XI[2]2(1)
1967Scotland XI[3]7(9)
Teams managed
1974East Stirlingshire
1974–1978St. Mirren
1986–2013Manchester United
* Senior club appearances and goals counted for the domestic league only.


Manchester United Football Club is an English professional football club , based in Old Trafford , Greater Manchester , that plays in the Premier League .

Manager : David Moyes

Arena / Stadium : Old Trafford

Location : Old Trafford , Greater Manchester

League : Premier League

Training Ground : Aon Training Complex


  1. Marouane Fellaini (31 , midfielder)
  2. Wayne Rooney (10 , foward)
  3. Shinji Kagawa (26 , midfielder)
  4. Robin Van Persie (20 , foward)
  5. Javier Hernandez (14 , foward)
  6. Adnan Januzaj (44 , midfielder)
  7. Nani (17 , midfielder)
  8. Wilfried Zaha (29 , midfielder)
  9. Antonio Valencia (25 , midfielder)
  10. Ryan Giggs (11 , midfielder)
  11. Anderson Luis de Abreu Oliveira (8 , midfielder)
  12. Rafael Pedeira da Silva (2 , defender)
  13. Patrice Evra (3 , defender)
  14. Rio Ferdinand (5 , defender)
  15. Nemanja Vidic (15 , defender)
  16. Guillermo Varela (30 , defender)
  17. David de Gea (1 , goalkeeper)
  18. Ashley Young (18 , midfielder)
  19. Danny Welbeck (19 , foward)
  20. Michael Carrick (16 , midfielder)
  21. Fabio Pereira da Silva (22 , defender)
  22. Tom Cleverly (23 , midfielder)
  23. Alexander Buttner (28 , defender)
  24. Phil Jones (4 , defender)
  25. Federico Macheda (27 , foward)
  26. Darren Fletcher (24 , midfielder)
  27. Jonny Evans (6 , defender)
  28. Anders Lindegaard (13 , goalkeeper)
  29. Chris Smalling (12 , defender)
  30. Ben Amos (40 , goalkeeper)
  31. Larnell Cole (34 , midfielder)
  32. Michael Keane (38 , defender)
  33. Sam Johnstone (50 , goalkeeper)